Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fruit flies, be gone!

It's a bit late for this, given the fact that we're well into autumn.  However, this "recipe" is so good that it's worth sharing even in February.

We have fruits and veggies sitting out all the time.  We also have the windows open all the time.  Voila -- fruit flies!  And once you have them, nothing seems to work.  We've used traps -- purchased and homemade.  We've tried several home remedies.  Everything a degree.

This site, like many others we've read, promised a solution.  And it actually worked.  Read more about it on the link.  But here's the summary.

1. Find a container (the other website suggested a wide mouth jar, but we used a small empty glass jar).
2. Fill it half full with apple cider vinegar (apparently the only thing that'll work).
3. Add a few drops of dish soap.
4. Fill it up with water in a way that makes it foamy (i.e., blast it under a running faucet).
5. Set it on the counter and walk away.

Within minutes, you'll be catching and drowning fruit flies.  The bubbles seem to be the key.  If you come back in an hour or two and the bubbles have gone away, put it under the faucet on full blast again for a second to get things nice and foamy.  Walk away again.  Just keep doing this every time you pass by over the next day or so.  After a half dozen times, you may have to start over with new vinegar.  But the reduction in numbers is significant right off the bat and in a day or two or three, you'll be fruit fly free.

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