Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bye bye, George! (We're now a one-car family)

The dust has settled and we sold George, my Honda Fit.  Selling a car privately is a pain, but we Craigslisted it and got lucky; a local engineer and his wife test-drove it the day after we listed it, liked the car, and moved quickly to close the deal.

I loved that car, but Erin's car makes more sense for the future -- it's got all-wheel drive, snow tires, and is a bit bigger.  And Erin doesn't drive stick shift.  Fuel economy?  The Suburu can't compete with the Honda -- not even close.  But hey, you can't have everything.

It made sense to sell one of our vehicles on so many levels.  First, with me biking to work and Erin taking the train, we only drive about once a week, anyway.  Second, there's a government monopoly on liability insurance in British Columbia, so we pay about $180 month per vehicle to keep them insured (it's for this reason that my Honda Fit has sat in storage for the past six months).  So there's some nice cash savings.

Anyway, sharing one vehicle is actually not a sacrifice at all.  And since we only have a single parking garage space at our flat -- and George has been stored there -- it means no more battling with street parking for the our Suburu.

It feels good to be a one-car family.

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