Sunday, February 10, 2013

Taking beauty into my own hands

Beauty products consumed a considerable amount of cupboard and drawer space in our bathroom -- not because either of us are product junkies -- but because, as with so many things, over the years these products have simply collected. I consider my self relatively low maintenance in the beauty department; however, on counting the boxes marked "bathroom," there were three 30" by 30" containers that were full to the brim.

One objective for our year of living with less: simplify. So, I have taken to trying to consolidate bottles, make better choices about the products I do use, and whenever I can, I will attempt to do it myself. Now, the DIY component of this journey could aptly be named, "the good, the bad, and the ugly."

Let's start with the ugly. As a child, a DIY haircut often resulted in tears and a trip to the hairdresser. I have very vivid memories of the 1" haircut I requested from my mother...that turned into 4-5" in attempt to get things straight. Or the time I decided to cut my own bangs. Bad idea. But, many years older, and wiser, after having occasionally trimmed my own hair, I thought it might be a good time to try out cutting my own hair and avoid a trip to the hairdresser and the intrusive sticking of fingers into my ear after getting my hair washed...

My hair had grown quite long, past mid back, and was apt to get caught on a number of things. It was time for a big change. I braided my hair, headed into the bathroom with scissors, and SNIP -- started trimming away. I had been quite impressed with how even it was, until my loving husband entered the bathroom, took one look, and said, "let me get the camera."

Fortunately, he was quite willing (and skilled) at helping me fix things up. Oops.

The bad: self waxing. I'm not sure why I ever think this is a good idea. I'm going to need to put some more thought into natural and cost effective hair removal options.

The good: I had a container of epsom salt given to me by my dear friend, Meryll, oh some, 7 or 8 years ago. The gift was spot on -- I love soaking in the bath and would use the salts whenever I was particularly sore -- but we no longer have a bathtub in our condo -- only a shower, so I decided to put them to good use to make a body scrub. So I turned to Martha.

Taking her lead, I combined 1 cup epsom salt, 1 tbsp lavender buds, the zest from an orange, and just enough vegetable oil to make the mixture moist and sticky, but not runny. Both Brian and I love using it, and it further inspired a face scrub made from brown sugar and olive oil. My sensitive and breakout prone skin loves it!

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